2023-06-28 Szymon Klimek

How to plan and build a CRM from frontend perspective

Overall, CRM streamlines sales processes, enhances collaboration, and improves customer relationships. By leveraging CRM software effectively, such companies can increase sales efficiency, close more deals, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Building a CRM using front-end web frameworks involves developing the user interface and client-side functionality of the CRM system. Here’s a general approach to building a CRM using front-end web frameworks:

Choose a Front-End Web Framework

Select a front-end web framework that suits your development preferences and requirements. Popular frameworks include Vue.js, React and Svelte. Consider factors such as community support, documentation, scalability, and the skillset of your development team.

Design the CRM Interface

Begin by designing the user interface (UI) of the CRM system. Create wireframes or mockups to visualize the layout, navigation, and components of each CRM module. Consider the CRM functionalities required, such as lead management, contact management, and sales pipeline visualization, while designing the interface.

Set Up the Project

Set up the development environment for your chosen front-end framework. Install any necessary dependencies, such as Node.js and package managers like npm or Yarn, to manage project dependencies and build tools.

Component Development

Break down the CRM interface into reusable components. Each component should encapsulate specific functionality and have well-defined inputs and outputs. Develop these components using the chosen front-end framework and ensure they are modular, maintainable, and scalable.

Data Management

Decide on how the CRM data will be managed on the client-side. You can use local state management, such as Vue’s useStorage, or opt for more advanced state management libraries like Pinia (old Vuex) or Redux for React. Define the structure and management of the CRM data within the front-end application.

Implement CRM Functionality

Develop the CRM functionality using the front-end web framework. This involves implementing features such as lead management, contact management, sales pipeline visualization, task management, and reporting. Use the framework’s capabilities to handle user interactions, data input, form validation, and data display.

API Integration

Integrate the front-end CRM with back-end APIs or services to fetch and update data. Define API endpoints and use AJAX requests or libraries like Axios to communicate with the server. Ensure proper error handling and data synchronization between the front-end and back-end.

User Authentication and Authorization

Implement user authentication and authorization features to secure access to the CRM system. Use authentication libraries or frameworks provided by the chosen front-end web framework or integrate with third-party authentication providers such as OAuth or JWT.

Responsive Design

Ensure that the CRM interface is responsive and optimized for different screen sizes and devices. Use CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS to create responsive layouts and components. Test the CRM system on various devices to ensure a consistent user experience.

Testing and Deployment

Perform thorough testing of the CRM system to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Write unit tests and use testing frameworks or libraries specific to the chosen front-end web framework. Once testing is complete, deploy the front-end CRM application to a hosting platform or a server.

Continuous Improvement

Continuously gather feedback from users and stakeholders to improve the CRM system. Monitor user interactions and behavior using analytics tools and make enhancements based on the insights gained. Regularly update the front-end codebase to incorporate new features, improve performance, and address security vulnerabilities.


Remember that building a fully functional CRM system also requires a back-end component for data storage, business logic, and API development. However, using front-end web frameworks allows you to focus on the user interface and client-side functionality, providing a rich and responsive CRM experience.


Szymon Klimek

Graduate Middlesex University of London, UK in Computer Science, specialised in advanced web-development and AWS Cloud. Experienced cloud and software engineer through research & development.


Graduate Middlesex University of London, UK in Computer Science, specialised in advanced web-development and AWS Cloud. Experienced cloud and software engineer through research & development.


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